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Communities In Schools Privacy Policy

Date last updated: 2/14/2024

Communities In Schools® (CIS®) is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. This Privacy Policy explains how CIS collects, uses, shares and safeguards your Personal Data while on CIS websites. Please note that CIS websites can contain hyperlinks to 3rd party websites, which are not governed by this policy. Therefore, you are encouraged to be aware of, and read the privacy statements of each of those other websites. 

The CIS privacy policy will be modified from time to time, so please check back periodically. By accessing and using any CIS websites, you imply your acceptance of this privacy policy. 

What information does CIS Collect?

CIS asks for your personal information when you subscribe to one of our mailing lists, make a donation, submit a feedback or contact form, register for our Alumni Network or Advocacy Network, or enroll in one of our programs. During this process, CIS may ask for your name, organization (if applicable), address, city, state, zip code, email and phone number. If you voluntarily opt in to one of our promotional programs and submit content to us, your name, organization, and biographical information may appear with your content on our website, social media or other promotional materials. 

When you visit our websites, the following information is automatically collected anonymously: the name of your Internet service provider, the browser and operating system of the computer you are using, the website that referred you to us, the pages you request, the date and time of those requests, and the amount of time spent viewing each request.

Please note that you can choose to not provide information in fields which are not required.  

Cookies and Log Files

A cookie is a piece of data containing information about you that is stored on your hard drive. The CIS websites or its third-party tools utilize cookies for measuring aggregate web statistics, including number of monthly visitors, number of repeat visitors, most popular webpages and other information. We use these statistics to better understand the content our users are most interested in, and to provide you with an optimal web experience.

The CIS websites use Google Analytics cookies and Google advertising cookies together. Visitors can opt-out of the Google Analytics Advertising Features by visiting our cookies policy page

How else does CIS use the data collected?

CIS uses the data collected in a variety of other ways, including (but not limited to):

  • Identify you when you visit our sites
  • Validate and provide you proper access to CIS products and services as appropriate
  • Provide CIS-related communications
  • Provide tailored content and marketing to you

How does CIS share information?

CIS shares your information in several ways. Please note that CIS does not sell this information to anyone outside of CIS. In addition, CIS does not share this information to un-related third parties.  

Your information is shared for both external and internal purposes. Externally, your information is shared via Community Rosters, which is accessed by CIS Community Admins. Internally, your information is accessed by CIS staff for reporting purposes, shared with 3rd party systems which administers your access to purchased or available course content, and also shared with the CIS email marketing system from a communications perspective.

Children’s Privacy 

Because of the nature of our organizations’ purpose and mission, CIS works with organizations that support schools and the children who attend those schools. The CIS websites are not intended for use by any child. For children that are below the legal age of majority, this website is not intended for your use.  

For any parent or guardian that has concerns that their child’s data was inadvertently collected on any CIS website, please contact us at

For students’ stories that are featured on the website, CIS requests permission and written consent (through photo and content release forms) from parents/guardians to use this content on our site.

How does CIS protect your data?

Unfortunately, no website or data transmission over the internet is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that a data breach, unauthorized access or data loss will never take place. However, CIS operates secure data networks protected by an industry-standard firewall and password protection systems. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary, and only authorized individuals have access to the information provided by our users. To protect your information off-line, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you online.

How can you access and update your information?

For those accessing the My CIS Community, your email address and marketing preferences can be modified by navigating to your profile page while logged into the My CIS Community and making the necessary updates. If help is required then you can log a helpdesk case from the login page or by contacting

For those that are not part of the My CIS Community, please contact us at to discuss any changes to your personal profile information.

How to Contact Us

For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, if your personal information changes, or you no longer wish to receive information from CIS, please contact us at with such requests. It may take 10 business days for your request to take effect.

Communities In Schools Anti-discrimination Policy

Communities In Schools (CIS) shall provide a work and educational environment that does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information or any other basis protected by applicable law. Communities In Schools prohibits harassment of employees, contractors and learners based on any of these protected categories. 

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